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Insights and Reflections

Personal experiences, insights and philosophies:

I like to reflect on life, sometimes a bit too much. It's funny, the older I get the more I seem to ponder the world around me. With age I seem to be concerned more with life and quality of life in general, issues of peace, concern for our environment, getting along with our fellow human beings and similar issues.

Age does seem to confer a certain sense of spirituality. When I was younger, a career, building my business and working to build financial security were the prime motivators. That seems to be changing, so today I would rather achieve a healthy balance in my life and make a bit of a positive contribution if I can.

You may wonder what this has to do with travel. Well, the older I get the more I view life itself as a journey. A journey full of joys, sorrows and learning experiences that are meant to make us just a bit wiser as we get up there in age. Events like the Indian Ocean tsunami as well as personal tragedies in my circle of friends and acquaintances make me realize that we should all treasure each and every day and do our best to make this beautiful world a better place to live in.

Here is a bit of a cross-section of the types of things that I mull over in my head:

"My first live radio interview: in Spanish - no less!"
"Post-Mexico reflections: Time to get involved"
"A new milestone: My first travel presentation in front of a live audience"
"A new year 2006: looking back and ahead, finding inspiration"
"60 years after: Some personal history questions"
"Celebrating Diversity with my multi-lingual / multi-cultural team members"
"My reflections after my European visitors left & how much I miss them"
"Getting excited: my brother is coming to Canada for the first time"
"Hello from the Ottawa River: Reflections on City Life"
"Toronto Unlimited & The Celebrate Toronto Street Festival"
"In memoriam: Dan Hickman - Explorer of Provence"
"My latest travel plans: Vancouver and Victoria, BC, in August"
"The Joys of Summer: Celebrating our 5-year wedding anniversary with different outdoor activities"
"Visiting 3 Beauties from the 1930s"
"A Meeting of Kindred Spirits: My day of playing hooky"
"Taking Stock: Looking back on the first few months of this site"
"Post-Cuba Reflections: Appreciation and Balance"
"Nervous and excited - My first solo trip in 20 years!"
"Ian Wright - Live in Toronto - Cult figure & regular guy next door"
"Crying like a baby - The Motorcycle Diaries"
"In memoriam - My buddy Neil"
"Upcoming trips: skiing in Quebec, learning Spanish in Cuba and exploring New York City!"
"Feeling like a kid again!!!"
"So, where is the website going?"
"Camino de Santiago"
"The Homecoming"
"Reflections of a New Writer"
"My Own Personal Mess"
"The Reunion(s)"
"The World Unites"
"A Severe Case of Hispanophilia"
"Cuba is Calling"
"Pilot Guides - My Favourite TV Travel Show"
"Photoblogging - I Have Finally Figured It Out!"

"Barbara Got My Creative Juices Flowing"

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