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Welcome to Travel and Transitions - Your Portal for Unconventional Travel and Cross-Cultural Connections

Do You Have Pictures Of Your Favourite Travel Adventures That Are Begging To Be Shared With Us?

Join Our Summer Travel Photo Contest And Share Your Favorite Travel Experiences

If you love travel as much as we do, enjoy taking pictures of the places you visit and can’t wait to share them with others you will definitely want to participate in our travel photo contest.

It works like this:

* You can upload up to 3 photos a day between August 4, 2011 and November 20, 2011. Please click on the following link to enter our First International Travel Photo Contest.

* You will need to include a brief description (up to 420 characters) to describe your photo, where it was taken and what it meant to you since our audience would like to find out about the interesting travel destinations that you have visited.

* Your friends and our audience will then vote on all the photos and the one with the most “Likes” will be chosen as the winning photo!

Prizes Include:

GRAND PRIZE: The top prize is one week's accommodation in a comfortable, fully equipped one or two-bedroom vacation suite which can be selected at a great variety of destinations. Locations are available in various parts of Europe, Canada, the United States, Latin America, and Australia - you can select your one week getaway literally in one of hundreds of places around the world. This is great for a vacation with friends and family, you'll have your own fully equipped home away from home.

SECOND PRIZE: The creator of the second most popular photo will receive a $150 online gift certificate from an online retailer such as www.expedia.com, www.amazon.com or iTunes.

THIRD PRIZE: The creator of the third most popular photo will receive a $50 online gift certificate from an online retailer such as www.expedia.com, www.amazon.com or iTunes.

Here are our detailed contest rules.

So get out there and let your friends and colleagues know about your talents as a travel photographer.

When you enter your email below and click submit you will get:

     Additional info and updates about our Photo Contest
     Useful travel advice that can help you be more prepared in so many ways on your next trip
     Exciting first-person travel reports that will allow you to live our own adventures in many exciting destinations
     Inspiration through amazing interviews with interesting people who have had all kinds of unique travel experiences all over the world

* indicates required

Our Goal is to Discover and Learn about the World and to Build Connections with People from Different Places.



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